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Sport Injuries Reporting System

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SIRS & the Study – General Information

What is SIRS?

SIRS stands for Sport Injuries Reporting System. It is designed to track and report sports-related injuries.

How do I participate in the study?

You can participate in the study by clicking on the 'Participate in the Study' link and following the instructions.

Can I withdraw from the study?

Yes, you can withdraw from the study at any time by clicking on the 'Withdraw from the Study' link.

What can I do with SIRS?

With SIRS, you can track and report sports-related injuries, view injury reports, and participate in our study related to sports injuries. You can also join as a coach, set up your team, invite your players, and finally overview their wellbeing

What can I not do with SIRS?

You cannot use SIRS to diagnose injuries or provide medical treatment. It is a reporting and tracking tool, not a medical service.

Reporting an Injury

What is an injury I need to report in the SIRS?

Any sports-related injury that affects your ability to perform or requires medical attention should be reported in SIRS.

What is an injury I should not report in the SIRS?

Minor injuries (or injuries occurring outside your sport practice) that do not affect your performance and do not require medical attention typically do not need to be reported in SIRS.

How long does it take to report an injury?

Reporting an injury in SIRS typically takes around 5-10 minutes, depending on the complexity of the injury and the details you need to provide.

What do I need to know to report an injury?

You need to know the details of the injury, including the type, location, but of course you'll be guided through the reporting process with intuitive information. Detailed information helps in accurate reporting.

Can I make an incomplete report?

Unfortunately is that not yet possible but we will work on that issue to make it the most comfortable for you !

Can I change my injury reports after I submitted them?

Yes, you can edit your injury reports after submission to ensure all information is accurate and up-to-date.

Documentation of Sport & Training

What do I need to know to document a sport or training session?

For a complete documentation you need to know the following:
a. Date of the sport or training session
b. Whether it was a training or competition
c. The sport or training you did within your session
d. The duration of your practice in hours and minutes
e. You can optionally add notes if you like to

Why should I document my sport and training within SIRS?

Documenting your sport and training within SIRS provides you a structured overview of your current practice. Regarding the study, this will enable setting the injuries of athletes in relation to their sport and training.

Can I plan my sport and training with the "Document a Sport or Training Session" function?

This function is rather intended to document your training instead of planning it ahead. It is possible though to enter sport and training you will do in the future but you would have to edit or delete these if you do not execute them as planned.

Adjust my Settings

How can I modify the language of the application?

Once logged in to your account, go to the 'User Actions' section, then select 'Profile'. In the 'Profile' section, you can change the language by selecting your preferred language from the available options.

How do I change my password?

To change your password, go to the "Profile" section in your account settings and select the "Change Password" option. Follow the instructions to update your password.

Team, Coach & Medical Assistant

How do I become a coach or a medical assistant?

To become a coach or medical assistant, you need to go to the "User Actions" section, then select "Profile". There you'll find a button to apply named "Become coach".

How do I join a team?

As to prevent any abuse and unwanted members you will have to be invited, an invitation which you can either accept or decline.

What can I do as a coach?

As a coach, you can manage team members, track their injuries inside the team, and also if needed with the help of medical assistants you can report injuries for one of your player as soon as he gives you the permission.

What can I do as a medical assistant?

As a medical assistant, you can provide medical support to team members by reporting their injury.

What happens when I join a team?

When you join a team, as a player not so much change for you except the possibility to indicate in your report if that injury occurred inside your team.

Data Privacy

Who can see what I reported?

Your injury reports can be seen by authorized personnel such as coaches, medical assistants, and study administrators to ensure proper injury management and study integrity. By default your injuries are only visible to you and can be reported only by you, you can modify it anytime in the "Set My Rights" section of the "Profile" menu.

What happens with my reported injury data?

Your reported injury data is used to track injury trends, and so contribute to research studies aimed at reducing sports-related injuries. Any modification needed to your data will be made following your request as well as the deletion of it. All of that is also provided to you via the tools in your Profile


What is my sport level?

Your sport level is a classification that reflects your experience and skill level in your sport, which can be updated as you progress and gain more experience.